Through my own creative process I realized the many benefits of living life with the same attitude that one applies when making art. Over the years this insight has blossomed into a personal philosophy that I call Life as Art. I share these concepts through Life as Art workshops, in which the creative process becomes a vehicle for personal development, including aspects such as self-awareness, mindfulness, acceptance and patience. Hands-on experience is key. Workshops explore fundamental elements of art – such as line, value, shape, texture and color – through mediums such as drawing, coloring and collage. In these exercises I teach students to observe as they transform materials; at the same time, through class discussion, a parallel process takes place– one of transformation within.
No art-making experience is necessary for learning to appreciate Life as Art. I guide students through each lesson and give them the tools to activate their own creative potential. Many of my students have never made art before, and they surprise themselves with what they're capable of creating. Making art becomes relaxing and fun. Everyone can learn how to shift from thinking to awareness by creating enough mental space for intuition to come through. When we do this, life itself emerges as a process of creative expression– rather than being 'stuck' in it, we become active participants, shaping ourselves and our lives with every decision we make. 'Success' in Life as Art is to be found in the process, not the product.